Fueling Champions—Dr. Graham’s 80/10/10 Diet to Win in Sports

Boost your game with Dr. Graham's bestseller 80/10/10 diet—trusted by elite athletes for optimal nutrition and peak performance.
Exploring the Science of the 80/10/10 Diet 🍏🥦 Featuring an Exclusive Interview with Dr. Douglas Graham on Raw Food in Sports Nutrition 🎙️. 📷 Image by Ivy McRae x Stable Diffusion
Exploring the Science of the 80/10/10 Diet 🍏🥦 Featuring an Exclusive Interview with Dr. Douglas Graham on Raw Food in Sports Nutrition 🎙️. 📷 Image by Ivy McRae x Stable Diffusion

Taking shelter from Scotland’s brisk winters, I often find solace in the warm embrace of a local bookstore. Wandering through its inviting aisles, I’m surrounded by the comforting aroma of fresh books—a distinct scent that’s both nostalgic and invigorating. There’s something uniquely satisfying about discovering new reads, a pastime that never fails to cure any hint of loneliness. Imagine sitting in a Waterstones’ café corner, with a book, enveloped in its story. And books, with their universal appeal, are perfect icebreakers, much like a healthier version of striking up a conversation over a cigarette.

On one particularly nippy autumn evening, I set out for the bookstore, eager to explore the latest titles on sports nutrition. Having written an article on my trusted, evidence-based endurance supplements, I was eager to delve into the broader spectrum of athletic nutrition. Surprisingly, amidst the plethora of fitness books focused on weight loss by celebrity trainers like Joe Wicks, there was a noticeable void in comprehensive literature on nutrition for competitive sports. This gap was especially apparent when it came to understanding how diet influences performance across various sports.

The importance of expanding sports nutrition resources internationally is undeniable. Introducing diverse, global insights could significantly enrich the UK market. With this in mind, I’ve been exploring the idea of featuring expert interviews on my blog to delve into these topics more deeply. Speaking with authorities like Dr. Douglas Graham, who I have the privilege of interviewing for this article, offers a unique opportunity to glean insights from the forefront of the field.

Graham, a lifelong athlete and proponent of the raw food lifestyle since 1978, has significantly influenced the dialogue around health and nutrition. His dedication to the principles of the 80/10/10 diet reflects a career that has not just witnessed, but actively shaped, modern health perspectives. As the author of “The 80/10/10 Diet” and “Nutrition and Athletic Performance,” among others, he offers invaluable guidance to both recreational and professional athletes on incorporating raw, plant-based nutrition for peak performance.

His expertise extends beyond authorship; Graham is a respected chiropractor and nutrition expert with a history of collaborating with elite athletes across sports. He has worked with the likes of tennis icon Martina Navratilova, NBA players Ronnie Grandison and Michael Porter Jr., Olympic sprinter Doug Dickinson, pro soccer player Callie Withers, and bodybuilder Kenneth G. Williams. His own athletic journey is equally impressive, having competed in the British Masters National Powerlifting Championships in 2022 and thriving on his 80/10/10 diet.

In our exploration of optimal sports nutrition, it’s crucial to recognize that nutritional needs differ significantly among sports. Endurance athletes and powerlifters, for instance, have different macro requirements compared to bodybuilders focusing on size and muscle gain. This article will delve into the science behind the 80/10/10 diet, offering an unbiased examination of its macronutrient division. The highlight, however, is my conversation with Graham, where we’ll discuss the raw food component of 80/10/10 in sports nutrition in greater detail later in the article.

After years of training with athletes two decades his junior, Graham made an interesting discovery: the 80/10/10 regimen sped up his recovery, enabling more rigorous workouts than his peers 🏋️‍♂️💪. 📷 Image by Ivy McRae x Stable Diffusion

Intro to the 80/10/10 System

In the world of professional sports, rapid recovery and consistent training intensity often distinguish those who secure world championships from those who fall short.

Graham, with years of experience training alongside athletes 20 years his junior, observed a remarkable pattern: he recovered significantly faster following the 80/10/10 regimen. The essence of 80/10/10 lies in its ability to enhance recovery, thereby allowing for more intensive training. While it may not directly boost power output, its role in conditioning the body for rigorous training has a profound, cumulative effect over time.

Let’s zoom out for a moment and consider the broader picture of the 80/10/10 dietary approach. It’s structured around allocating 80% of daily caloric intake to carbohydrates, with proteins and fats each comprising 10%. Understanding that daily nutrient needs typically depend on body weight, rather than the proportion of nutrients in the diet, is key. Therefore, these percentages hold the most significance within a standard caloric range, and you should keep your individual needs in mind.

The 80/10/10 diet, while reminiscent of Professor Arnold Ehret’s Mucusless Diet in its emphasis on green-leafy, starchless vegetables, raw and cooked fruits, and predominantly plant-based proteins, diverges in significant ways. Notably, while this diet aligns well with vegetarian athletes, Graham openly acknowledges that many top cardio athletes who subscribe to 80/10/10 do not adhere strictly to a raw vegan regimen. This aspect often leads to misconceptions and debates surrounding the diet.

Having laid the groundwork, we now delve into the reasons why 80/10/10 could be a game-changer in enhancing recovery and performance, starting with a deep dive into its carbohydrate component.

80/10/10 Macro Split: Carbohydrates in Athletic Nutrition

Carbohydrates are crucial in any athlete’s diet, serving several key roles:

  1. They provide the primary energy source for most caloric needs, depending on exercise type and duration.
  2. They optimize glycogen storage in liver and muscles.
  3. Simple carbohydrates act as a quick energy source.
  4. They aid in muscle recovery.

Historically, sports physiologists in the 1960s discovered the benefits of increased carbohydrate consumption. It enhances oxygen and glucose exchange, which are vital during physical exertion. Low blood sugar is frequently associated with mental fatigue, which can in turn lead to muscular fatigue. Regulating blood sugar is a team effort involving insulin, glucagon, and even stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. The balance of these hormones can be maintained by consuming carbohydrates during and post-exercise.

The need for carbohydrates increases under certain conditions:

  • During high-intensity activities.
  • When exercising in hot climates, favoring carb-rich beverages over solid foods.
  • In age-related scenarios, such as children versus adults, due to differences in core body temperature regulation.
  • In endurance exercises interspersed with higher intensity bursts.
  • At high altitudes.

As the intensity of exercise escalates, the body leans more on glucose for energy, reducing the reliance on fats. Not all exercises demand carbohydrates equally. Factors such as the type, amount, and intensity of activity influence these requirements. Personal goals, preferences, and even genetic variations play a role.

For instance, low-intensity aerobic activities like walking, typically performed 3-5 times a week, don’t heavily tax carbohydrate reserves. Thus, increasing carb intake for such activities is not essential. However, in sports with higher intensity periods, or those involving multiple daily sessions, carbohydrate intake should comprise at least 60% of the diet. This is especially true for endurance athletes like marathon runners, distance cyclists, triathletes, and cross-country skiers, who often engage in activities exceeding 90 minutes at moderate to high intensities.

The 80/10/10 diet, focusing on a carbohydrate range of up to 80%, caters to various endurance activities and intensities. Endurance athletes typically consume 3-4 g/lb (6-8 g/kg), with carb-loading reaching 5-8 g/lb (10-16 g/kg). Strength athletes, on the other hand, are advised to intake 5-7 g/kg or 2.2-3 g/lb, aligning these recommendations closely.

Elite athletes, such as Kenyan distance runners, who train intensely for 20-30 hours weekly, adhere to a diet close to the 80/10/10 model. Their diet, mainly comprising unrefined carbohydrates like Ugali (corn/maize) and kidney beans, supports their high activity levels while maintaining leanness and health.

For endurance athletes, the choice of carbohydrates is also critical. It’s recommended to consume medium to low glycemic index carbs away from exercise and high glycemic foods or supplements immediately following prolonged high-intensity or endurance activities lasting over 1.5 hours.

When adhering to the 80/10/10 diet, it’s advisable to focus on the quality of carbohydrates. Incorporating unprocessed, whole grains such as oats, quinoa, sweet potatoes, brown rice, fruits, vegetables, and legumes (pulses) is beneficial for both performance and overall health.

Is 10% really enough? Debating protein intake in athletic nutrition 🤷‍♂️🥇. 📷 Image by Ivy McRae x Stable Diffusion

80/10/10 Macro Split: Protein in Athletic Nutrition

Protein intake in athletes—always a hotly debated topic—becomes particularly contentious when discussing the 80/10/10 macro split. Critics often regard this level of protein consumption as insufficient.

The American College of Sports Medicine outlines minimum protein requirements for tissue repair:

  • Endurance athletes: 1.2-1.4g/kg/day
  • Strength athletes: 1.6-1.8g/kg/day

Several factors can heighten protein needs, dieting being a primary one. Under normal circumstances, athletes may not require an increase in their protein intake. However, it’s a different story during dieting phases, particularly for lean athletes, where the requirement surges.

Another factor is age-related anabolic resistance. It’s well-documented that older individuals have higher protein needs and respond differently to fast-absorbing proteins.

During exercise, amino acids, notably the branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) – leucine, isoleucine, and valine – are sometimes used directly for energy, accounting for about 5-10% of total energy expenditure in endurance training.

As for upper limits of protein intake, research suggests that a daily protein intake of 2.5-3.0 g/kg (1.1-1.4 g/lb) for strength and power athletes should adequately cover their needs for protein synthesis. Any excess beyond this amount is simply oxidized. The liver functions as a regulator, ensuring that necessary amino acids are released into the bloodstream, while those that aren’t needed are degraded and disposed of via oxidation. This process, however, does not include BCAAs, which are used and broken down in skeletal muscle.

Turning our focus from the upper limits, it’s imperative to consider the source of protein in these guidelines. Most recommendations are grounded in studies centered on isolated whey protein, not whole foods. This distinction is significant: whey, known for its fast digestion, can dramatically alter the nutritional context when consumed alone.

Other factors must be considered in setting protein macros, such as the role of high protein intake in central nervous system (CNS) fatigue. The CNS fatigue hypothesis revolves around the amino acid tryptophan and its link to increased serotonin production during endurance exercise. This rise in serotonin can impact CNS function, potentially impairing performance during prolonged activities.

Current theories suggest that CNS fatigue might be influenced by high protein diets, particularly those rich in tryptophan, disrupting the body’s amino acid balance. High carbohydrate intake, on the other hand, appears to mitigate CNS fatigue by preventing competition between muscles and the brain for glucose. This evidence lends some support to the 80/10/10 approach, favoring a diet higher in carbohydrates and lower in protein, especially for endurance athletes.

80/10/10 Macro Split: Fat in Athletic Nutrition

In recent years, low-fat diets have garnered a mixed reputation. This stems from the 1980 U.S. Dietary Guidelines, which recommended reducing dietary fat to less than 30% of total calories. This shift inadvertently led to a rise in the consumption of unhealthy refined carbohydrates, replacing fats and consequently spiking triglyceride levels – a known risk factor for heart disease. However, this issue doesn’t arise when carbohydrates from wholesome sources like whole grains, vegetables, and fruits are used to balance a lower fat intake.

The surge in popularity of ketogenic diets presents the opposite challenge. Modern diets often feature high fat intake, leading to excessive consumption of saturated fats and trans-fatty acids, while healthy omega-3 fats are neglected. Conversely, omega-6 intake is rarely a concern for deficiency, as our bodies tend to store ample amounts of it in fat cells. The critical factor here is ensuring adequate intake of EPA/DHA. For example, a smaller female might need 1.8 g/day of total EPA/DHA, and a larger male, about 3.0 g/day.

Adherence becomes a concern when reducing dietary fat. Diets low in fat often lack the satisfying ‘mouth feel,’ impacting long-term adherence. Studies suggest that moderate fat intake improves adherence compared to very low-fat diets. However, high-fat diets can lead to passive overconsumption and overeating. Dietary fats, even in small amounts, slow down gastric emptying and stabilize blood sugar levels. Additionally, the high fiber content in a diet like 80/10/10, primarily from healthy carbohydrates, promotes a longer-lasting sense of fullness.

The effectiveness of low-fat diets is context-dependent. What benefits a lean, active athlete with good insulin sensitivity may be detrimental for someone less active, insulin-resistant, and with excess body fat. Generally, a dietary fat intake of 20-40% is tolerable, with 10% usually being adequate for athletes engaged in prolonged, high-intensity endurance exercise.

Comparatively, fats provide more energy per unit mass than carbohydrates but require more oxygen for equivalent Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP) production, which can be a drawback for exercise performance. Recent studies involving elite endurance athletes compared low-carbohydrate, high-fat (LCHF) diets with high-carbohydrate diets. Findings indicated that during high-intensity endurance events, athletes on the LCHF diet experienced a higher oxygen cost at Olympic-level race speeds, indicating reduced exercise economy. They also showed declines in their 10 km race times, despite a 24-hour period of carbohydrate loading before the race, and reported higher levels of perceived exertion.

While LCHF offers rapid fat adaption, high-carb reigns supreme for peak performance 🏆👏. 📷 Image by Ivy McRae x Stable Diffusion

80/10/10’s Edge and Practical Tips

After delving into the potential advantages of the 80/10/10 diet, let’s explore its additional benefits for performance and recovery. This section precedes my insightful interview with Graham.

The 80/10/10 approach emphasizes nutritious eating alongside balanced macros. It’s rich in whole fruits, vegetables, grains, and healthy fats, and includes foods high in prebiotics and probiotics. This plant-centric, carbohydrate-focused diet aids significantly in enhancing sleep and recovery by boosting melatonin production and reducing inflammation and cortisol levels.

Studies indicate that diets heavy in added sugars, refined grains, and saturated fats can lead to elevated cortisol levels, in stark contrast to diets rich in whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and polyunsaturated fats. A healthy gut microbiome, bolstered by microbiota-accessible carbohydrates from prebiotic fibers and plant polyphenols, is closely linked to improved cortisol levels.

The most effective way to adopt this diet is by consuming foods in their natural state, occasionally including gently cooked items. A diet consisting of roughly 75% raw plant foods, supplemented with cooked foods, can offer athletes a competitive edge. Cooked foods generally provide fewer nutrients and natural digestive enzymes than raw ones. Moreover, raw foods are superior in electrolytes, enhancing cellular oxygen delivery and performance.

Q&A with Dr. Douglas Graham

The following Q&A interview with Graham delves deeper into the nuances of raw vs. cooked sports nutrition. It also offers tips for optimal cooking methods and times to preserve nutrient density.

Ivy asks: What are the merits of raw food versus cooked food for health and sports performance?

Doug answers: Discussing food can be sensitive, so focusing on the science, rather than the emotions, judgments, and traditions often linked with food, is crucial. It’s remarkable to see science validating what nature has always known. For millions of years, early humans predominantly consumed raw plants, resorting to hunting only when necessary due to seasonal fruit shortages. Before mastering fire, humans deemed anything requiring cooking inedible. Today, we cook to eliminate harmful bacteria and parasites, and to aid digestibility.

Research indicates cooking alters nutrient bioavailability, often reducing the nutrients in food. However, some nutrients are more accessible in cooked foods. It’s essential to weigh these factors when deciding which foods to cook or consume raw. Unfortunately, cooking can significantly hinder health and sports performance. The most notable drawbacks include:

  1. While some nutrients become more available in cooked foods, they’re the minority, representing less than 0.1% of all nutrients. Cooking generally degrades the majority of nutrients.
  2. Cooking generates carcinogens. For instance, heating fats and carbohydrates creates substances like acrylamide, a known carcinogen. I recommend pairing meat with carcinogen-inhibiting vegetables, like broccoli and leafy greens.
  3. Mutagens, which lead to inaccurate cell reproduction and accelerated aging, also result from cooking.
  4. The potential teratogenic effects of cooked food, causing birth defects, are a recent area of scientific inquiry.

Ivy asks: How should you cook food on 80/10/10 to minimize nutrient damage?

Doug answers: Imagine the damage a jet of steam could do to your face. Similarly, even ‘gentle’ cooking can harm food. Enzymes are inactivated and life forms destroyed at temperatures as low as 48°C. Cooking partly digests food, making some nutrients more bioavailable. However, cooking proteins forms bonds that our digestive enzymes can’t process, leading to autoimmune conditions.

Certain cooking methods are healthier, particularly those that are quick, use minimal liquid, and have shorter heating times. For instance, a 2009 Journal of Food Science study found boiling and pressure cooking to be the least effective for preserving vegetable nutrients. Microwave cooking, due to shorter times, better retains vitamins like vitamin C.

Cooking vegetables in water can leach out nutrients. For example, boiled broccoli loses glucosinolate. Steaming, including microwave steaming, preserves more nutrients. For meat, simmering, steaming, or using a crock-pot below 100°C reduces nutrient loss. Always partially cook meat using these methods before barbecuing.

Ivy asks: How can you make raw food tastier?

Doug answers: Using professional chef techniques, raw foods can be made as diverse as cooked dishes, and offer unique options. For instance, the juiciness of watermelon is unmatched by any cooked food. With over forty thousand edible plants, we can achieve an array of colors, textures, and flavors. Enhancing raw food with vinegar, herbs, spices, and dressings like olive or sesame oil and lemon juice is effective. Combining certain foods, like mangoes and raspberries, with nuts for texture, can create outstanding dishes.

Ivy asks: What should you never eat raw?

Doug answers: Avoid raw foods that might carry parasites or harmful bacteria. Foods that require cooking to be edible are generally not suitable for human consumption.

Ivy asks: What are go-to raw foods for athletic performance on 80/10/10?

Doug answers: Sweet fruits are essential for adequate carbohydrate intake, as recommended by most sports scientists and medical researchers. Basic salad vegetables provide vital electrolytic minerals. Nuts, seeds, and fatty fruits also play a role in a healthy diet.

Cravings can be a guide: if you crave sweets or starchy foods, increase your fruit intake. For salty cravings, up your vegetable consumption. To improve your diet’s quality, focus on whole, fresh, ripe, raw, organic plants.

Recommended Reading

The 80/10/10 Diet by Dr. Douglas Graham
Applied Nutrition for Mixed Sports by Lyle McDonald
The Ultimate Diet 2.0 by Lyle McDonald
The Plant-Based Athlete by Matt Frazier & Robert Cheeke

Ivy McRae, a Franco-British nutritionist and science journalist, holds MScs in Human Nutrition and an M.A. in Journalism. With a decade of experience in the field of nutrition and health, her work has appeared in The Scottish Sun, Men’s Fitness, Women’s Fitness, and Women’s Health. Ivy co-developed the NHS-recognized Low Carb Program and has lectured at the University of East London on global health challenges. Follow @IvyMcRae@mastodon.social on Mastodon for unfiltered insights.